The paradox of the doubtful entrepreneur…

✨ Daily Spark

The paradox of the doubtful entrepreneur…

We all know the statistics: only one in so many entrepreneurs are able to make a success of their business. Often lack of funding or product market fit are cited as reasons for failure, but from my experience working with many talented entrepreneurs I would like to add another dimension to the mix: the entrepreneur him- or herself.

Whereas I see many starting entrepreneurs very passionate about their product or service, when it comes to imposing their product or service onto the market they suddenly seem to suffer from an imposter syndrome. They fear an incapacity to deliver or worse, they see themselves as illegitimate, prohibiting themselves from going out to the market to bring in that perceived impossible client.


It is an interesting paradox for an entrepreneur to believe in your product or service, but not in your business. You have to accept that as an entrepreneur, you signed up not only to start a business, but also to grow and scale it.

Accept your faith and ditch the fear!

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