The best way to start something is to quit something…
December 8, 2020 2020-12-08 18:31The best way to start something is to quit something…
“The best way to start something, is to quit something.”
In yesterday’s spark I shared my struggle with focusing on one business (idea): the conflict between heart and mind. The more you’ve invested in something (time, energy & other resources), the more difficult it is to let go. I’ve said it many times before: starting up is easy, pushing through and growing something to scale much less.
Taking on a new task, project or business by definition comes with additional time, energy and resources you have to spend to make it work, while your agenda is already filled as it is. You only have limited hours in the day, days in the week and weeks in the year. You can’t expect to be able to add without loosing on efficiency and creativity…
As entrepreneurs we’re so used to working 24/7/52 with lists to do so endless that we know we’re never going to complete them anyway, that many of us don’t even notice that we’re very good at just adding. The question though is: do you also have enough of the time, energy and other resources left which are needed to take on that new task, project or business and to be successful with it?
Now is the perfect time of the year for reflection: What will you take with you into the next year and what will you leave behind?