Spur of the moment can be a plan too…
October 21, 2020 2020-10-21 19:05Spur of the moment can be a plan too…
Why does courage always leave me the moment I get out of bed? My most inspired ideas come to me in those early minutes that seem like hours when I’m lying awake in the morning, not quite ready yet to start the day, but at the same time fully present with a clear mind.
So focused in the moment I can convert the most amazing ideas into full action plans all ready for implementation. I only have to get out of bed to get the day started and my business will make another leap forward.
I take a shower, brush my teeth, get a glass of (fermented) milk and a banana for breakfast and … nothing – only 20, max. 30 minutes have passed and what a few moments ago seemed like a game-changing plan, has now turned into yet another to-do on the list to get busy with.
Flow is a funny thing… when you’re in it, it seems to be infinite and unstoppable. Once the spell is broken though, that great idea suddenly means work, with practical tasks and milestones. As an entrepreneur it is our creativity that gives us wings with which we can fly. That’s what makes us special.
Don’t clip your wings by rationalising every plan into definite actions with timelines. Some plans are better kept in free-flow…
Keep some magic!