Find your flow of acceleration!
November 23, 2020 2020-11-23 16:12Find your flow of acceleration!
Walking in Nairobi sometimes reminds me of the computer game Frogger, especially when I have to cross a busy road like Waiyaki Way where there are no overpasses or pedestrian crossings in sight. In such cases the best option is to try to rightly estimate the speeds of the different vehicles coming at you, and to be agile in jumping from imaginary lane to imaginary lane, letting the vehicles pass you by front and back.
It’s not only in Nairobi that traffic can be a challenge…
I remember my first days in Paris, trying to cross the Place Charles de Gaulle at l’Arc de Triomphe on my bicycle using the designated cycling lane going all around, putting me perpendicular against traffic every 50 meters – in other words, in a nightmare situation – until I decided it was best to forget about the cycling lane, to increase my speed and instead to flow with the traffic… a much safer way.
It’s easier to adapt and to go with the flow than it is to try to go against it; even if that flow is going faster than is comfortable to you. To translate it to business: when an opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to stretch yourself and go play with the big guys.
The quicker you expose yourself, the quicker you learn the next level up!