Do you know what is really happening at the workplace in your company?

✨ Daily Spark

Do you know what is really happening at the workplace in your company?

In working with corporates I notice that many of their biggest issues have to do with the disconnect between what’s being discussed amongst executives in the boardroom and how it’s executed in the workplace. 

A lot of the strategies that sound good on paper don’t work out, as the realities on the ground often involve workarounds that are rarely documented. These workarounds are by themselves the result of solutions that had to be found to cover loopholes from previously implemented strategies.

You see where this is going…. the bigger the organisation, the less you understand of the processes and procedures in place….


As a founder, how well do you still know everything that is happening in your company? If you were to take on any random type of job of your employees, how much does it still resemble that same job back from when you started it? How much has changed? And should this change impact the decisions you make today with your old ways of working as a reference still in mind?

I know of some leaders who every year for one day swap their job with one of their employees. Maybe something to consider!

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