Now Africa is leading in the adoption of innovation and technology

Africa at the Center of the World
✨ Daily Spark

Now Africa is leading in the adoption of innovation and technology

Some days you can’t help but feeling proud, especially when the renowned Harvard Business Review publishes an article on how Kenya is leading the third wave of FinTech innovation:

“For over sixty years, the U.S. was the leading innovator of financial technology (or FinTech) in the world. Over the past decade, however, China has become the global leader: Powered by smartphones and social apps, China has used remote payments and the digitization of money management to build a steady vehicle of financial inclusion. But it may not be the leader for long. Recently, African countries such as Nigeria and Kenya have emerged as FinTech hotbeds, and are using inexpensive, accessible tech to mobilize consumers in ways never seen before.”


As is the case with any technology, its success holds because of its widespread adoption which is by all of us. Let’s savor and celebrate this moment where Africa is ahead of the curve and the rest of the world is in recognition that it can learn something from Africa….

That many more enlightening moments may follow!

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