You need self love and ambition to attract the right talent to grow your business
February 9, 2021 2021-02-10 16:03You need self love and ambition to attract the right talent to grow your business
I am not sure if it is unique to startups or businesses in general, but lately I have come to notice that companies who want to hire, often do so without a (proper) job description. And then after, these same companies are surprised that their selected candidate is not the right person for the job, easily blaming the “low qualifications in the job market” for their failure.
Is it really the fault of the “under-qualified job market” though, or can we also ask the companies who are hiring for some self-reflection?
Do you actually want talent to come and work with you or you prefer friends and family as their demands on you to step up as a leader are limited and you can wiggle their pay and working conditions to accommodate the low opinion you have of yourself and your company?
Look at your job description (if you even created one): does it really reflect the role and vision for which you wish to hire, or did you leave it to your clueless HR person to come up with platitudes not inspiring your ideal candidate to apply in the first place?
Look at your selection process (if you even have one): did you cast your net with the right networks to find your right potential candidates? Or did you soullessly post it on job boards and your company website in the hopes that by chance your dream candidate would get out of their way and stumble upon it by chance? Or worse: share it with the people you know in the hopes they know someone who has the sole qualification to be currently looking for a job opportunity?
If you can’t or dare to articulate clearly what a new addition to your team should contribute, nor go out of your way to network in the right places, you will never find that ideal candidate to join your team and with it grow your business in the direction of your vision.
You get what you ask for… and not settling for mediocrity starts with demanding excellence of yourself!